Neck Liposuction & Fat Transfer to Cheeks

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Neck Liposuction reduce excess fat in the neck and below the chin

Excess fat can sometimes occur in the neck and below the chin. Neck liposuction can reduce this excess fat.

How is neck liposuction performed?

After sedation, the area to be treated is numbed with a local anaesthetic. A small liposuction cannula is then inserted through small puncture holes beneath the chin or under the earlobe and the excess fat is suctioned out. The patient then wears a compression neck garment for seven days.
You can return to work or normal activities on the eighth day.

How long does neck liposuction last?

Neck liposuction usually only needs to be performed once and providing you are weight-stable, the fat should not return.

Please note :

Dr Szalay finds that neck liposuction by itself is usually only suitable for patients less than 40 y.o. He advises this because loose tissue can occur after this age. So Dr Szalay feels that a tightening procedure is also likely to be required above the age of 40.

There are some patients who are less than 40 who may also be at risk of loose tissue as their elasticity may not be optimal.

Finally, Dr Szalay advises that neck liposuction can only help people with excess fat. So unfortunately liposuction won’t be helpful if your problem is mainly loose tissue.

How long is the recovery period?

Swelling and bruising can occur following the procedure. So most patients feel comfortable facing the general public again after 7 days.

We remove the sutures after 7 days

Some swelling can persist for some weeks following the surgery and it will be a 3 months before the final result is seen.

Dr Szalay will discuss what to expect during your recovery as part of your consultation and we will provide you with detailed pre and post operative instructions.

Detailed pre and post operative instructions for neck liposuction are here


How much does neck liposuction cost?
The consultation with Dr Szalay costs $75.00. The procedure cost is from $2200.00 and the cost for the  compression garment is $75.00.


As with any surgery, there are possible risks involved with neck liposuction.

Dr Szalay will discuss these during your consultation. A list of possible risks is here

Dr. Szalay does his utmost to prevent negative side effects. Please read the pre and post operative instructions that we provide you with carefully and contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns.



A fat transfer can provide more definition to your cheeks

As we age, the fat in our face tends to redistribute itself. Generally, we tend to lose it from our cheeks and it usually gathers in the jowls. Fat transfer to the cheeks can provide more fullness to the cheeks

How does it work?
Fat is taken from one part of the body (usually the low back) and transferred to cheeks. Because the fat is from your own body, there is no chance of an allergic reaction.

How is it performed?
After numbing the donor site with local anaesthetic, a small cannula is inserted through a puncture hole in the lateral thigh or buttock and the fat is then suctioned out. The area to be treated is then numbed with local anaesthetic prior to adding the fat – again with a small cannula.
The procedure usually takes about 45 minutes.

How long does a fat transfer last?
After the initial fat transfer, usually about half the fat survives and the rest dissolves. Accordingly, it is necessary to repeat the procedure in two to three months. Usually, the result should then last several years, although occasionally a third treatment may be necessary in the first 12 months.

How long is the recovery period?

Swelling and bruising can occur following the procedure. So most patients feel comfortable facing the general public again after 7 days.

Some swelling can persist a few weeks following the procedure.

Dr Szalay will discuss what to expect during your recovery as part of your consultation and we will provide you with detailed pre and post operative instructions.

Detailed pre and post operative instructions for fat transfer to the cheeks are here


How much does a fat transfer cost?
The initial consultation with Dr Szalay costs $75.00. Fat transfer to the cheeks costs $1750 for the initial treatment and then $1100 for the second or third treatment.


As with any surgery, there are possible risks involved with a fat transfer to the cheeks.

Dr Szalay will discuss these during your consultation. A list of possible risks is here

Dr. Szalay does his utmost to prevent negative side effects. Please read the pre and post operative instructions that we provide you with carefully and contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns.


Book in your initial consultation and explore the possibilities

Here is what you can expect from your first consultation with Dr Szalay:

Step 1: Meeting with Dr Szalay
In your initial consultation, we will first discuss the areas that you would like to work on. This is carried out in a warm and professional environment to make you as comfortable as possible.

Step 2: Dr Szalay assesses your face and explores feasibility
Dr Szalay will examine you and ensure that neck liposuction or a fat transfer is the best solution for the results you desire.

Step 3: If neck liposuction or a fat transfer is viable, Dr Szalay explains the procedure
It is important that you are well informed about the procedure, which is why Dr Szalay takes this time to explain how it works, possible risks and answer any of your questions.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner

Book your initial consultation

Find out if neck liposuction or a fat transfer is right for you. Call Precision Cosmetic Surgery on (07)3839 7222 and schedule a consultation with Dr Michael Szalay.